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Dec 9, 2009

JBoss Asylum 6 Shownotes

Recorded 18th November 2009

Music by Real Rice ( Licence Art Libre 1.3

Direct download: mp3 and ogg

Pete Muir, Seam, Red Hat (blog),
Dan Allen, Seam, Red Hat (blog, @mojavalinux)


Emmanuel and Max talks with Pete Muir and Dan Allen at Devoxx about JavaEE 6, JSR-299 Context Dependency Injection (CDI) and Weld.


JSF 2 and beyond part 1, part 2 - talk at Devoxx with Dan Allen, Pete Muir and Andy Schwartz. (Require Parley subscription to view all)
Java EE 6
JSR 299 CDI Spec
Weld - JSR 299 Reference implementation
JSR 330 Dependency Injection for Java